Now featuring payment plans on The Homemade Dog Food Simply Course!

Homemade Dogfood Simply

Hi There!

I am Kiersten & this is Lexi. We are so glad you are here! This course is going to show you my 4 years worth of research and experiences making homemade dog food at home SIMPLY!

Going through the module's, you will learn about the tools I use, Budgeting, My secret of Allergy Testing, Holistic Healing, Prepping, Portioning, Gut Health, Cheat Sheets, Recipes and so much more! You even have access to Bonus videos on my secrets to Holistic Approaches. This Course will give you all the knowledge on making your dog food simply & confidently!

The goal is for you to learn my secrets and start applying them to your own home for your pups. After this course you will be all set!

You can do this! I believe in YOU!


Kiersten & Lexi

9 Modules


Learn how to navigate this course and what is in dog foods ion the shelf today!

Important Things to Know Before You Start

Here you will learn and understand first, nutritional requirements. This always scare's people, but don't let it stop you. Knowledge helps you become empowered my friend! Also we will go over Raw Dog Food diet. This is the first step of your dogs healing journey.

Tools & Budgeting

Here you will learn what tools I use to make it so much easier and faster! Then also we will cover budgeting because let's be honest, you probably think this diet takes a fortune. It doesn't so rest assured!

Allergy Testing Your Dog

In this lesson you will see my BIG SECRET! This is the big part of this course that will take you far in the knowledge and confidence in what you are feeding your dog! Anyone can use a homemade dog food recipe from online but knowing this is important for each individual dog and their allergy needs! 

Healing - Commercial, Organic, Gluten, & Grains

Learn about some loop holes so your knowledgeable on what is best for your pup! I will explain to you how it works in our home. It isn't a black and white simple answer. Much research was involved here. 

Prepping, Recipe's & Portioning Dog Food Easily

You will get access to print outs for recipes, quick recipes, treat ideas, portioning, and also watch how I prep dog food simply!

Dental Care

Homemade Dog Food will keep your dogs teeth in MUCH better shape. Their breath may smell a little more at first because their most likely detoxing from normal store bought dog food. Here is what I do for dental care! Simple and EASY!

Probiotics, Enzymes, & Gut Healing

Your going to learn about gut health and how to manage it for your dog. Lot's of ways to do this but here is a good view of how. Gut health is so important because it is where most root of disease starts.

BONUS: Holistic Approach's & Resources

BONUS: Learn about all the essential oils, supplements, and resources we use! I didn't pull this stuff off of google, I can tell you that.

Modules for this product 9
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 Kiersten Zile
 $277.00 USD
 Payment Plan with Kiersten Zile
 $50.00 USD  ( then $50.00 USD for 5 months )

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